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Seasons come and seasons go...Autumn is here.

Embracing the Journey: Change is necessary.


Can we talk about autumn for a second? It is like nature's big makeover. And speaking of change, let me tell you, I'm knee-deep in it myself! But here's the shocker: instead of putting up a fight, I've decided to trust God to guide me through this season.


Now, there's this verse from Proverbs that's been my go-to lately. Proverbs 3:5-6 "Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight." That's my wallpaper and my lifeline when the anxiety kicks in.


And hey, I wanna invite you to join me in this journey of change. Let's take a look back at these past five months and ask ourselves: what's next? How do we want to shape these last eight months of 2024? Yes, I know, it feels daunting. There's a list of to-dos and deadlines looming in our minds.


But guess what? You're capable of making changes, my friend. You're destined for some seriously amazing things.


As I watch those trees outside shed their leaves, I'm feeling inspired to do the same. It's time to shake off the past and embrace what's coming next. Sure, we might not have all the answers, but that's part of the excitement, right?


Remember this: God's got our backs in everything we do. His grace? It's like the ultimate safety net. And guess what? He loves you more than you could ever imagine. So let's embrace this season of change together, with hearts full of hope and excitement for what's to come.

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