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Self-care | Taking care of yourself isn't selfish.

Today we are having a chat about self-care. While some Christians believe that it is selfish and we shouldn't be doing such "selfish practices", I beg to differ.

Spending time alone in prayer and reading the word is self-care. You are taking care of your mind, body and soul. Thus you have to make time for yourself to spend this quality time with God and be in a quiet mental space to hear His voice.

Burnout is a term that is used in the media more often these days. This is a serious condition and should not be ignored. It is a state of complete mental, physical and emotional exhaustion. You might find yourself not caring about tasks and situations that you used to care about. 

To prevent this state, it could be as simple as starting to care for yourself so that you can be able to care for those around you. Matthew 22:39 "Love your neighbor as you love yourself" - if you are not loving yourself it is challenging to love others and spend quality time with them.


We will focus on Self-care this coming month. Your challenge this week is to be mindful of how you are spending your prayer and Bible study time. Make sure to replenish your mental, physical and emotional well-being to prevent burnout.

You are worth investing in your health!

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